Why is Macbeth trying so hard to keep his position?
Does Macbeth believe he can break the prophecy?
What will happen if the murderers were to fail the assassination?
Will Macbeth's title of being King shorten with this plan of assassination?
I didn't like that tactic Macbeth used. Hiring an assassin to do his dirty work doesn't sit right with me. It feels really dirty when your sitting back being all happy and someone else is doing your work for you.
I predict that Macbeth's assassination will fail because of the prophecy. Since his prophecy came true, there's no doubt the next one won't come true.
I can relate Act 1 scene 4 for killing of the king. One time, I was playing a game with my friends and I wanted the weapon he had and I didn't want to buy it myself so I would kill him for it.
Another connection I can make is to Act 2 scene 3 where the porter is talking about hell. I can relate that to my room in the summer because it's hot as hell where even the fan would blow out hot air instead of cold. It's so hot it can probably cook an egg.

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