Friday, 29 April 2016

Act 4 Scene 1

It starts off at a dark cave where there is a bubbling cauldron that made weird noises and suddenly, the three witches appears and circle around it while chanting spells and adding abnormal ingredient.  Hecate appears and compliment the three witches for there work.  Macbeth enters just as the witches predict.  Macbeth asked the witches to reveal more about the prophecy and give him the truth.  The witches summoned ghost like figures which each offer a prediction to Macbeth's ally whom he feared.  They kept showing him visions and at the last one where it shows the king lineage, it showed Banquo being at the end of it.  Macbeth demanded the witch to tell him the meaning of the last one but they refused and disappeared.  Lenox then enters and tell Macbeth that Macduff had fled to England.  Macbeth then decided to send murderers to Macduff's castle and to kill Macduff and his wife with there children.

Reaction and Questions:
When the witches started adding ingredients, I really questioned it, since it seemed weird to add parts of animals like the wolf tooth.  This scene was weird.  I don't know how else to put it besides weird.

Were all the ingredients the three witches used needed?
Why did Lenox tell Macbeth where Macduff went?  Doesn't he suspect him to be the murderer of Duncan and Banquo?
Why is Hecate and the three witches still meddling with Macbeth when Hecate got mad at the witches for showing him too much?
Why does Macbeth want to stop Banquo's son from taking his throne from him?

I predict that Lenox have already made a plan to dethrone Macbeth and is going to be the guy who breaks kingdom from the inside.  Before Act 4 scene 1, Lenox was talking to another lord and how they want to dethrone Macbeth because of what he has done and how he acted.


Extra Worked with Tony and Peter:
End of page 170 and the rest of page 171
Create, I will, the utopia of my dream will be true.
Do you wish to speak with my fairy?
Adoptive child and give it food and love.
Those who are dead shall give you strength.
You will come to no matter the rank heaven!
Trust in the thane of Fife.
Put down you sword and make peace.
Laugh! You've received a blessing, now no one can hurt you.
No Fear!
The sky is nice and bright.

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